May 28 — Max & Samantha Herbert

Dear Grace Church Family,

We are so grateful for a great second semester as we get ready to roll into summer.  We have recently had the opportunity to host both our Wyldlife and Young Life meetings outside the past few weeks.  It is so nice to be able to have some room to run around and to play some games that are better suited outdoors (the messy ones haha).  We have had a great semester sharing the love of Christ with our friends, what a gift it is to be able to see God at work in their hearts.  

As we approach summer we would love prayer support for a few things: 

     1. I will be heading to Saranac June 17th - July 2nd with Luke (my oldest).  I have the privilege of being the camp speaker during that time and Luke will be serving on the waterfront as a lifeguard and possibly as a boat driver.  Please pray for us in this season, that we both would clearly communicate the Gospel in word and in deed and that we would experience God in deep ways.  Please pray for Sam and the girls as they are unable to join us until school is out on/around June 24th. 

     2.  Please pray for our camp trip with HS students July 15-20 and MS students July 27-31.  Both trips will be at Saranac.  Please pray for students to continue to sign up and that the Lord would use those trips to bring many students from death to life. 

    3. Please pray for our annual golf tournament fundraiser taking place July 22nd at Ridgemont Country Club.  We pray that this tournament would glorify God and that we would be able to raise the support needed to meet our operating budget. 

Thank you so much for all of your love and support over so many years.  We are so grateful to be in this mission with you!

For Christ and kids, 
Max and Sam Herbert