Youth Ministry
Grace Church Youth Ministry partners with parents to raise up the next generation of life-long followers of Jesus by committing to gospel-centered discipleship, redemptive relationships, and generational integration.
Parent Partnership: Because God has called christian parents to disciple their children in the way of Jesus, we support, equip, and collaborate with parents to raise up the next generation together.
Gospel-Centered Discipleship: Because faith in Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture is the way of salvation and spiritual maturity, we teach youth to see Christ in all of Scripture, apply the gospel to all of life, and follow Jesus in the world.
Redemptive Relationships: Because God has made us a covenant family, we cultivate relationships with and between youth that reflect the love of Christ and encourage the love of God and others.
Generational Integration: Because youth are indispensable members of the church body today, we equip, enable, and encourage youth to participate in the life, worship, and work of the church.
Youth Group
Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm.
If you have ever been in a growth group, you will immediately understand how our youth group functions. On one Wednesday a month we simply extend our Christian fellowship past Sunday morning into the rest of the week. Sometimes this looks like baking apple pies together. Other times it’s going to a hockey game. During the remainder of the month we dig deeper into the Scripture from Sunday and spend quality time praying together. These three – fellowship, scripture, prayer – are powerful means of grace, and we pray that our kids learn to rely on their fruit.
The following Sunday School classes are available during the Discipleship Hour following our Worship Service (11:45 AM to 12:30 PM).
6th-8th Grade: Understanding God’s meaning and purpose for our lives (and how this compares with messages around us).
9th-12th Grade: Understanding Jesus’ parables for our 2025 lives.