Max and Samantha Herbert,  Young Life, Rochester West, NY

Jody Collinge, Community Health Evangelism, Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Matt and Jenn Irvine,  Serge, Harrow UK

Souls Winning Ministries, Reformation Hope, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Jacob and Lisa Pursley, Yerevan, Armenia

International Friendships, Inc., Rochester, NY

international friendhips, inc. — rit

International Friends Incorporated hosted a sledding event at Mendon Ponds Park that attracted more than 30 students and about a dozen volunteers for what seemed like the best day of sledding in Rochester this year. All of the students tried their hand at sledding and some were very adventurous, going down the hill many times and even trying their luck flying over ramps at the top and bottom of the hill. About 15 of them enjoyed chaining multiple sleds together and snaking their way down the hill.


These students are all eager for conversation and to learn more about our culture and opportunities in the US. It seems that they are all interested in learning about Christianity and discussing their own beliefs, some more than others. The mission of IFI is “to extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence for Jesus.” This focus opens many doors for sharing the Gospel with young people who have not heard it before, including many Fulbright scholars who will return to their home countries and assume significant leadership roles. IFI volunteers provide hospitality in many forms: to and from airports, to and from supermarkets, helping students earn their driver’s licenses, hosting meals. Many international students participate in small group Bible studies. Young Christians in IFI are also given opportunities to serve and lead on the RIT campus.

You can be praying for:

  • Consistent attendance at all of our Bible studies and deeper engagement with the Word from students.

  • New, mature, and motivated Christian students who could take over leadership of the club on campus and who have a desire to reach their classmates with the good news.

  • Finally, we need a campus minister to come on staff. Please pray for the right person to join the team. Raising their own financial support is a major stumbling block.  

Mason Pell ( is the IFI campus representative at RIT. You can learn more about IFI by visiting the IFI Partners website ( Please talk with Dave Beinetti or Paul Craig if you would like to attend an IFI event, host an IFI guest for a meal.