October 10 — Max & Samantha Herbert

We are off and running!

We are so grateful for another Fall season with YL!  Pictured above are most of the leaders for Young Life, Wyldlife, and Young Lives in our area.  We had the chance to go to Saranac for a leadership weekend getaway (sadly a few could not make it).  We spent our time planning out the club schedule for the year, checking in on personal health, and most importantly finding encouragement in the Word. The mission we are leaning into this year is to "know Christ and make Him known to teens."  Please pray for our team as we reach out to teens in middle school, high school, and teen parents!  

Club is in full swing!

Pictured above is one of our volunteers, Marissa, giving the club talk at the end of an amazing hour together.  Marissa shared a personal story from her childhood of a time when she was lost in the woods and needed help finding the way home.  As she sat with tears in her eyes she felt a nudge on her back, she turned around to see her dog sitting behind her.  She followed her dog all the way home!  Marissa related that story to our condition of being lost, of wandering on our own, leaving us in a state of brokenness and confusion.  She pointed the teens to Matthew 18 as Jesus speaks about leaving the 99 to find the 1 lost sheep.  She challenged the kids to think about where they are spiritually and encouraged them that no matter how lost they may be that Christ is pursuing them. Would you pray for club on  Monday nights as we get the opportunity to continue to share the truth about the love of Christ in word and deed. 

What Joy!!

   Pictured above is our son Luke and our neighbor Gavin.  The first picture is from October 2017 at Saranac on an outreach weekend and the more recent picture is from this most recent trip to Saranac for leadership weekend.  It has been such a joy to see the Lord work in hearts of these two young men.  What a gift it is to be able to have a front row seat watching them mature in wisdom and stature.  Luke is a freshman at Roberts this year and is helping to lead our high school ministry, Gavin is a senior at Churchville Chili this year and is using this last year as an opportunity to make a difference for Christ among his classmates.  

Fall Weekend!!

Our Fall Weekend trip this year will be at Camp Bethany! We will be joining Buffalo YL, Geneseo YL, and Roc East YL for an incredible weekend. To Register just scan the QR code below!  Would you pray for our outreach weekend?