This story is taken from a recent CompassCare email:
“Courage is a big part of ministry to women and babies.
Recently an abortionist in one of CompassCare’s service areas passed away. His widow courageously donated an ultrasound machine to the ministry. A CompassCare nurse was determined to redeem this equipment for the Kingdom and courageously put it to use as soon as it was delivered to the office after regular hours.
A nervous patient courageously reached out to CompassCare after taking the first of two abortion pills. She came to the office directly. On the same day. After hours. The patient, the nurse, and the repurposed machine came together. The baby's heartbeat was still strong. The mother was overwhelmed. The nurse shared the Good News and a different regimen was initiated to save the baby's life.
And with an even deeper courage, this mother also made a commitment to follow Jesus for the rest of her life. Your generosity fuels the mission. Courageously.”
By the start of September of this year, 1521 babies have been saved from abortion, 227 women have prayed to receive Christ, and women in 15 countries are being served by the Telecare ministries of CompassCare. Follow this link to read the story of the first life saved through Telecare.
There will be CompassCare tours at their facilities on the following dates:
Thursday, October 20 @ 7 PM
Saturday, November 5 @ 9:30 AM
Please talk with Paul Craig if you would like to attend a tour.
And please continue to pray for CompassCare and pro-life groups everywhere.
Pray that many women in crisis will find the CompassCare offices in Rochester, Buffalo and Albany and through Telecare and receive the care that they need.
Pray for God's protection on all pro-life centers from attacks.
Pray for grace, humility and truth as individuals, groups and a church in our ongoing conversations about abortion in all settings.
Keep praying for plans to expand CompassCare into Brooklyn, NY.
Pray that God will raise up Christians in New York, and across America to pray for the unborn every day.
CompassCare is a Christ-centered organization, committed to "Erasing the need for abortion by transforming a woman's fear into confidence.” You can also follow them at CompassCare Community on Facebook or Please contact Paul Craig by email or text (585.305.5557) to learn more about getting involved with the Walk for Life, and the PrayerNet ministry of CompassCare.