June 13 — Jody Collinge

Travels: (Dios mediante--Lord willing)

June 3 to 10, to Guatemala, for the CHE Residency

Prayers and Praise

  1. Praise God for our Reynosa trip (on the Tex-Mex border) to give training in community health evangelism (CHE) and Children's CHE. Thank God for the strong united group of pastors and churches who organized the training, with 35 people from about 20 churches. Thank God for their enthusiastic response to the training. Pray that CHE will be a tool that helps to bring Christ's transformation to their communities, schools, and to the immigrant community. Jacob Sotelo and I hope to return to continue the training.

  2. Please be praying for the border cities and for other cities in the U.S. who are struggling to deal compassionately with the flood of immigrants. Many come from desperate situations and have risked all to come to the U.S. Pray that we may show the love of Christ to them.

  3. I started my ministry in Reynosa about 30 years ago. On this visit, I was thrilled by the unity of many pastors and churches. But the drug cartels now have an overpowering influence in many areas. Thank God for his protection, and pray that the cartel leaders and members may come to know Christ's love.

  4. In June, I hope to go to Guatemala to give Children's CHE training as part of their Residencia. This is advanced training for CHE leaders from Latin America, led by Hugo Gomez. Thank God that Miriam Gomez, his wife, is doing better.

  5. What is Haman scheming to do? The girls are enjoying our online inductive Bible study of Esther.

  6. I help with a children's ministry in Nuevo Amanecer. Now several of their mothers and grandmothers are gathering together for Bible training and discipleship.

  7. Please pray for God's direction for our Convergencia ministry, up in the hills about Zihuatanejo. Daniel is a young Bible whiz. His younger brother, Isaías, is also smart but he has not been able to go to school because of a speech defect. Pray for God's wisdom in this.

  8. I was at CHSC for a board meeting. And the good news is that the logs arrived and they have started construction on the cabin! Pray that we can use the cabin to serve God.

9. Trivia notes:

Zihuatanejo has been hot and sticky. So right after breakfast, before the sun is high and the water gets hot, I enjoy swimming.

I have been learning digital painting with courses from Schoolism and Proko. But no masterpieces yet!

Thanks for your prayers, support, and encouragement. Let me know how I can be praying for you.
