Haiti Souls Winning Ministries Update
Pastor Osseille was finally released from prison after 8 months and 9 days.
His home was taken over by a gang. Pray for God to show His direction for his next steps. It is possible he can be of more use to the ministry from the US.
The children of the orphanage have remained safe and have been able to return to school. Ancelotti is starting sewing classes. Jacky has started a Saturday morning Bible Teaching, and English teaching.
The Jacmel Seminary is still continuing despite the turmoil in Haïti. They have been meeting for a week of studies every 4-6 weeks. Our special offering helped them add another session in January, with a focus on “Christology”, the person, nature, and work of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Redeemer, etc.
Continue to pray for leading for Pastor Osseille's future; the safety and thriving of the kids of the orphanage; the work of the school; the work of the Seminary in Jacmel, and that order can be restored in Haiti.