Sunday Morning teams

We are in need of joyful volunteers who can help serve our congregation during Sunday morning services. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities that can suit a wide range of skills and interests.

These volunteers are responsible for welcoming the Grace Church congregation and visitors to the service each Sunday. Responsibilities may also include opening the doors for attendees, counting the number of attendees each Sunday, finding seats for folks who may arrive after the service has started, being available to answer any questions, and helping direct the flow of traffic after the service. If you have any remaining questions about what is required for this volunteer opportunity, please contact the leader of the Greeter Team, Dave Beinetti.

The Grace Church Fellowship Team provides hospitality support for our church family. After the service each Sunday, the team provides coffee and other beverages, as well as snacks. The Fellowship Team also hosts and manages our Fellowship Luncheons, Picnics, and the annual Chili Cook-Off. Lastly, the team provides hospitality support to other ministry events throughout the year. The mission of the Fellowship Team is about more than just providing refreshments. The team works to create a welcoming environment that allows others to slow down, take a moment, and connect with others in a social and casual environment. For many, the Coffee Hour after the worship service is the perfect time to get to know visitors and connect with new people across the church. If you have any questions, please contact Betsy Geherin.

This group of faithful volunteers come in before the start of the worship service to prepare the communion elements. Instructions and supplies are provided by the church office. In addition, volunteers clean up the communion plates and remaining elements at the end of the service. While this position is very behind-the-scenes, it is essential for our worship service. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact the church office.

This team is responsible for running the slide presentation for the worship service. The presentation is put together by our church office and shared with our live stream and AV teams. This volunteer will receive iPad with a visual overview of the slide deck. The volunteer is able to sit in the pews as usual and click through each slide. If you have any questions about serving on this team, please contact the church office.

Our AV and live stream teams are responsible for handling the technical aspects of our Sunday morning worship services. The sound team manages the microphones of the worship team, preacher and any speakers. They work with a digital soundboard and can typically sit anywhere in the sanctuary during the service. If you’re interested in serving on the sound team, background familiarity with sound engineering is helpful, but not required. Training is available. If you’d like to learn more about joining the team, please contact Eli Heisey.

Our live stream team facilitates the weekly live stream of the service to YouTube. These volunteers sit in the tech booth each week, monitor the stream through our software, troubleshoot through connection issues and make sure the stream is running smoothly. Background knowledge of live stream is helpful, but not required. Training is available. If you’d like to learn more about joining the live stream team, please contact Bobby Picciotti.

Our vision for discipleship stretches from cradle to grave, beginning with nursery volunteers reading Bible stories and showing God’s love to our littlest ones. As kids move through Children’s Worship and Sunday School, more volunteers enter their lives and share God’s Word with them, teaching them gospel truths from the Bible and about the elements of our worship service. Sunday school continues for high school students, where they can also fellowship and learn with peers at our Wednesday night youth group – again shepherded by a team of volunteers. To learn more about serving with our Children’s and Youth Ministries please contact Abigail Cajiga (For Nursery & Children’s Worship), Curt Lindahl (for Children’s Sunday School during the Discipleship Hour), or Eric Walter (Youth Ministries).

This team leads us in worship through song each Sunday. If you are interested in learning more about joining the worship team, please contact Keiko Ying.


These teams serve our church body and our community in ministry throughout the week.

This team typically meets via Zoom on Monday evenings and facilitates the connection between the church body and the missionaries we support. If you are interested in joining, please contact Paul Craig.

This team leads initiatives to reach out to church visitors and our surrounding community through outreach-focused events, such as Christmas Caroling. The team typically meets after the Discipleship Hour on the first Sunday of each month. To learn more about joining the Outreach Team, reach out to Dave Beinetti.

The mission of the Care Team is to provide for the physical, material, and emotional needs of members and attendees of Grace Church. To learn more, please contact Will Morris.

The Men’s Ministry serves the men of Grace Church through bi-monthly fellowship gatherings and informal hangouts to promote fellowship and discipleship among the men at Grace Church. To learn more about joining the team, contact Ken Avery.

The Women’s Ministry aims to provide opportunities for intentional fellowship and connection among the women at Grace Church through quarterly brunches, a women’s bible study, and informal gatherings. To learn more about joining the team, please contact Katie Walter.