Dear Grace Church Family,

We are excited to announce that on Sunday, September 11, Sunday School for all ages will begin again! Classes will be offered for:

  • Pre-School & Kindergarten

  • Grades 1 & 2

  • Grade 3

  • Grades 4 & 5

  • Grades 6-8

  • Grade 9 through Adult

Nursery care will be provided for children through age 3

So that everyone can fully participate we are also excited to announce a change to our Sunday morning schedule. Beginning September 11, the worship service will begin at 10:00 AM. Worship will be followed by our Fellowship Hour upstairs and Sunday School classes in the basement classrooms. Sunday School classes will end promptly at 12:30 PM.

While our Fellowship Hour and Sunday School will overlap, we believe this represents the Gospel culture we want to cultivate here at Grace Church: Worship - Fellowship - Discipleship. 

Although Grace Church has not planned overlapping activities on Sunday mornings before, other churches have used a schedule like this with great success. We are eager to experience this flow of activities on our Sabbath, the Lord’s Day! As teachers and nursery workers are recruited and curricula are selected, stayed tuned for more information.

For your progress and joy in the faith,
Leon France, Curt Lindahl, Carl Schauffele, Pastor Marc Swan